“Jill acted for me for two years on a trusts of land and trustees act matter. Whilst the matter itself should have been very straightforward, the other party was exceptionally tricky and unpleasant to deal with. Throughout, Jill was unfailingly measured, polite and professional, offering expertise and precise communication despite fairly extreme provocation. The advice she gave me was clear, knowledgeable, reasoned and considered, and her recommendations and approach instilled the utmost confidence during what was a very traumatic time.
Jill’s total focus throughout was to gain a conclusion to the matter which was fair and reasonable, and which would limit costs wherever possible. The intention from the word go was to settle the dispute via mediation and negotiation, but unfortunately the other party made that impossible. When we had no option but to take court proceedings, Jill was a great support, explaining how the process would work and liaising with the other party’s legal team to ensure that the experience for the initial hearing was smooth, and the distress was minimised. Jill’s performance in court was clear, to the point, engaging and calm. The judge found in our favour on all counts, despite the other side engaging a large legal team.
The judge set a court date and a condition that the other party must engage in a mediation prior to the final court hearing. Jill arranged the shuttle mediation session, liaising with the other party’s legal team and a specialist mediator. Jill led the negotiations and managed to secure an agreement that I was happy with and which avoided the necessity to progress the court hearing, thus saving a significant amount of money for all parties.
Not only did Jill secure a successful outcome to the matter, but she acted with the utmost integrity, and was extremely collaborative and supportive throughout an extremely difficult situation. I cannot recommend Jill highly enough.”
Jo Brickell